Tuesday, 14 July 2009

Solving Shark Tooth Island in Poptropica

By Steven Archer

Shark Tooth Island is one of the earlier islands in Poptropica and is one of the fastest and easiest to do. Here is a complete Shark Tooth Island Walkthrough to help you solve this fun and exciting adventure in the game. If you're fast you can complete the entire quest in about seven minutes.

You'll arrive by blimp on the island. When you get the, go all the way to the right and follow the sign marked for the Ancient Ruins. Of course, if you want to you can stop in the Shark Museum or the Coconut Cafe before you got, but they're not important for completing the adventure. Head through the next short transition room and then keep going to the right. You are now in the ancient ruins. Run all the way to the right. Keep an eye out for the giant dropping coconuts that fall from the tree as you head through the area. When you get to the far right side, you'll see the Booga Bay sign. Go right again.

Keep going through the next short room and then you will be in Booga Bay. Speak with the guy at the Grass Skirts stand. He will give you a grass skirt. Put it on and then go back left to the ancient ruins. As soon as you arrive in the ruins, jump over the big stone in the middle and then push it to the right until it is next to the palm tree. Now jump up on the top of the block. Jump up again to catch the vine.

Now climb up the fine and jump up on the platforms until you get to the very top of the tree. Watch out for the falling coconuts, which can knock you down. When you get to the very top of the tree, there will be a Medicine Man there. Speak with him and he will tell you that deep in the temple you'll find a wall carving that shows you what you need ot bring to him. You will need to collect all the ingredients so that he can make a special potion in a coconut for you to feed to the shark so that you can rescue Professor Hammerhead and the little boy that are trapped in Booga Bay.

Jump down out of the tree and then go to the left. There will be an entrance to the temple right there. It's inside the big statue that kind of looks like a mouth. It has some spooky eyes in there and some cobwebs in the corners. Go inside the entrance and then go all the way down the first area with all the platforms.

You will be standing on the top of a big platform in a large chamber. All you need to do is jump down until you land at the very bottom in some green water. Walk to the left until you get to the end and then jump up the platforms. You will be standing next to a green control panel that will open the door. Click on the panel to enter the code to open it.

You now need to press the correct teeth buttons to open the door to the left. The right ones to click are the third, fourth, sixth and seventh from the left. When you click those four, press the triangle inbetween the eyes and the eyes will light up if you've done it correctly. This will open the doorway and then you can go through. Keep going through the next paassageway and then you will be in another large chamber. Jump and go all the way to the bottom. Run to the left until you get to the bottom of a large shark statue. Jump up on the statue and go over it, dropping down on the left side. Then run all the way to the left until you see a pile of bones. Run on top of the large white bone to pick it up.

Now head right and go back to the shark statue. Climb back up to the top and jump on the swinging platform and go left until you get to the pit with the spikes in the walls. Wait here for the sliding platform to come close and then jump on it. Ride it to the other side of the pit and then jump off and exit to the left. Go through the passageway and you'll arrive in another chamber with a green vine. Just jump down here and run across the floor until you get to a giant pedestal with an urn holding some green stuff in it. Jump up on top of that and you will get the Key Ingredient. There's a vine here. Jump up onto it and climb up to leave the chamber. You'll be in a small room with platforms. Keep jumping up to the top and then exit.

Now you will appear back where you started next to a hole in the sand that wasn't there before. You will arrive right next to the guy who sells shark fins. Head a little bit to the right and there will be a guy in front of a booth next to the Coconut Cafe. Talk to him and he will give you some coconut milk. This is the last ingredient that you will need for the medicine man.

Now go to the right and head for the ancient ruins. Push the stone in the middle back underneath the vine next to the tree and go back up to visit the Medicine Man. He will take all of the ingredients and create a potion for you. You'll get the Calming Potion from him, which can be used to calm the Great Booga Shark. Jump off the tree to the right and head to Booga Bay.

Once you arrive in Booga Bay, walk all the way to the right until you see a cannon. Click on that cannon and a new screen will appear. Aim the cannon towards the far side and click to launch the coconut with the special potion in it into the water. Once it lands, the great shark will appear and eat it. He will turn green and fall asleep under the water. Click on the back button to return to the main screen. Now go right across the water and you will come to a small island.

There's an old guy here standing in front of a hut. It's Professor Hammerhead and you have rescued him and the small boy! Talk to the professor. He will thank you and ask you to take him and the boy safely back to the mainland. Go left and they will follow you. Return all the way to the beach where the crying woman was. When you arrive she will thank you for finding her son. The professor will give you the island medallion and you are done with Shark Tooth Island!

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