Sunday, 19 July 2009

Anti-Gay Group Hounds Adam Lambert Concert

By Jim Ziebarth

This past week in San Jose, California, at an American Idol concert, "Hate" was the vibe outside. A group of protesters from a Topeka, Kansas, church, named Westboro Baptist, were directing their hateful chants towards homosexuality. Their website, God Hates explains their view points and beliefs......

Since 1955, Westboro Baptist Church (WBC) has taken forth the precious from the vile, and is therefore as the mouth of God (Jer. 15:19). In 1991, WBC took her ministry to the streets, conducting 41,002 peaceful demonstrations (to date) opposing the fag lifestyle of soul-damning, nation-destroying filth. In response, America bombed WBC & WBC on 8-2-2008. God is America's enemy: 5,058 dead soldiers; crashing economy. America crossed the line on June 26, 2003, when the Supreme Court (the conscience of the nation) ruled in Lawrence v. Texas that we must respect sodomy. WBC believes her gospel message to be this world's last hope. read more about WBC

Michael Sarver was also present at the American Idol concert. Lambert And Sarver's friendship was a direct effect of American Idol, and according to, Sarver wrote on his page, "Funny how people think it's a good idea to mess with a big Texan and his AI (American Idol) family. Adam is just fine, shakes it off and so should we. We are together in this thing. You mess with one you mess with all ten. We are strong and we are 1. For those outside protesting I say do not judge less ye be judged yourself. Guys don't mind these people, we are a strong family."

I must say how disappointed I am in the Westboro Baptist Church. The contents of their web site is so "Hate Oriented". I thought the purpose of a "Christian Church" was to proclaim Jesus, love God, and love their fellow man. Well this is not what they are doing. They are going all over the place and preaching Hate. I don't know about their "god", but my God does not hate and would never tell his "children" to go out and preach for the devil.

Now I'm sure there are many more of these radical organizations out there using God as the reason for their actions. The world is full uneducated, ignorant bigots, who will always use hate to hurt others because of their personal beliefs and/or lifestyle choices. These people are out there crusading on a religious campaign and breeding hate in our society. This ideal, that hate can consume a person or a group, has been seen in history on more then a few occasions.

The point I want to make is that we do live in America, and we do have a right to express our opinion. Even when our views and religious beliefs don't agree with everyone elses. We are all entitled to freedom, so while we might not agree with churches like this, they will still exist. It is our job to inform others that hate is not the way to win. It is not the way to get your views across. It is not the way we should raise our children. Stand up, let your views be known, and tell people like this that hate is not right, that hate is not acceptable. Stand up and proclaim that you will refuse to hate and refuse to let hate dwell in your life. This is America, and we have the right to be free. Free from hate

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