Monday, 27 July 2009

Fans of Michael Jackson Cause Poster Sales to Soar

By Jenna Landers

On June 19 2009, you would have been able to pick up a King of Pop poster for less than ten dollars. One week on, there would not have been a lot of change from treble the amount. Today, that continues to be the case; and auction sites across the web have seen a huge rises in the placement of adverts for Michael Jackson posters.

The highest values are obviously centered on the unused items. That even worn posters are going for twenty, thirty, forty dollars and above, the appeal of the man and his impact on the world is unquestionable.

It is not just auction sites and their members where people are profiting however. Many poster distributors and retailers are welcoming the extra business, despite the tragic circumstances that have triggered it. A small company, Pyramid International in the UK, have had to take on extra staff to cope with demand.

Trade has been so hectic at Pyramid International, that despite the employment of extra staff; working extra shifts at evenings and weekends has become a normal part of the working week.

Until his death, sales of Michael Jackson Posters were averaging just 10, 000 each year; despite Pyramid holding the exclusive rights to sell posters of the star in the UK. However, the order book is today bursting with orders from the USA, Europe and Australia.

Whilst the tour posters have been redesigned quickly, efficiently and tastefully, (such is the demand of the newly commissioned three poster range), the presses are constantly rolling. Ironic that the one thing meant to jumpstart the King of Pop's finances, and therefore his life, has been the foundation for just this in death.

On a global scale, stories like this are replicated, as people are desperate to own their own final images of Michael Jackson.

Many of us had Michael Jackson posters in our youth; but may have lost interest in the star. It could be worthwhile looking in storage to see if you have any old posters about. It may just be worth it.

Whilst some fans may have neglected the singer, loyal fans and a younger generation are still in the majority. This fuels the trade and pushes prices even higher than their market value. Whilst they come to market very infrequently, the search is still very much on for the elusive Michael Jackson posters, in mint condition, personally signed by The Thriller, The Moonwalker and the little boy from Gary, Indiana.

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