Tuesday, 16 June 2009

World of Warcraft Power Leveling Guide

By Seth Symonds

There are many people who join World of Warcraft to be with friends or family and want to get a character leveled as quickly as possible. There are also those who have a level 80 character and want to level as fast as they can. Both of these scenarios have one thing in common. They want to level quickly. I wrote this short World of Warcraft Power Leveling Guide to help them accomplish that goal.


One of the things that you will absolutely need to do in order to level quickly is questing. Do as many as you can. I recommend you fill your log book with quests and then go away and finish those quests.

The key is to do them efficiently. I use an add-on that places a directional arrow on my screen. This add-on helps determine the most efficient way to run the quests that you have. You'll find a link to a place you can get one of these at the bottom of this article.


The best way to level quickly is by being efficient. The way I suggest increasing your efficiency and better using your time is to kill your way to and from quests. This will make a big difference to your experience gained and you'll move through the levels much faster without wasting time. You'll also be able to make a good amount of gold by doing this as well.

Group Quests

At low levels group quests often take up a lot of time. You'll sometimes find yourself waiting for other players to show up which is really annoying. If you don't have a high level friend then I suggest avoiding group quests while at low levels.

Quest Difficulty and Zones

Do not be in the mindset that you have to complete every quest in a zone before you can move on to another. In fact I encourage a bit of moving around. If the quests in one zone are getting a bit hard and you are dying quite a bit try moving to an adjacent zone that has some lower level quests. You can shoot through those and then come back for the harder ones when you have leveled a bit.

Rest and Relax

When you are going to leave the game always log out in an inn or capital city. When you log out in these places you build up rested experience. Believe me you will love the 200% experience that you will have for awhile when you get back.

Hopefully you have found the power leveling tips and hints in the report useful.

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