Saturday, 20 June 2009

The Art of Chuck Rosenthal

By Chuck Rosenthal

Artist Chuck Rosenthal paints a wide range of interesting artisitc pieces in his own fashion. Whether his subject is a child on a beach, a still life or construction workers, the main characteristic of his style is the attention paid to the warm colors. You wish you were in that painting " you can feel the sun on your back.

On a cold winter day, one of his landscapes or sea scenes would make you feel the sun shining on your head.

His still life paintings give enough detail to make the viewer feel the texture of the pottery or the smoothness of the glass, but never overwhelming detail, which would distract from the painting. The viewer enjoys the smell of the flowers, the taste of the fruits.

Overworking a painting " too many details, too many brush strokes, often marks the work of beginning artists. Rosenthals art has the look of a professional. There are no overworked paintings in his gallery.

Simple everyday things are the subjects of his paintings, things that give people comfort. The daffodils and irises, apples and grapes in his still life paintings are things people know in the modern world, but are painted in such a way as to take you back to a simpler life.

If you went to a shore tomorrow you might find the little girl in the water, the mother and daughter watching the ocean, or the father and daughter playing in the surf. There is nothing obscure or idealized about the subjects.

However, the paintings themselves heighten common place scenes to something higher and cause the viewer to see scenes the way the artist sees them. They become extraordinary because of the artists admiration of life and light in the world around us.

When you visit his website, spend your time on the gallery page, and enjoy the way this artist sees the world around him. Visit his website

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