Wednesday, 24 June 2009

Ways to Attract Girls

By Alex Smoke

One of the toughest challenges for a man is to know how to attract women. When attempting to attract women, you need to express confidence. The confidence that you express stems from how you feel in your everyday life and your everyday existence, outside of your experiences with the woman or the women you are trying to attract.

What you need here is the art of dominance. Men should learn how to behave like an alpha male with a perfect body language, mindset and gaze that no woman can ignore. Once this is followed, the man becomes confidence personified, a quality that every woman loves in her man. Men can also try to boost their romantic prowess that can make them irresistible to any woman. Though it is not easy to learn how to attract women, still a few simple techniques can work wonders in getting you close to your lady luck.

A significant rule of thumb that you should master when learning how to pick up a girl is that, how you lead your life outside of your dating and social interactions with women will be identifiable in your actions when you do finally interact with women. A man needs to express some of his likes, dislikes, or desires clearly when he interacts with a woman, and part of the latter notion involves creating one's own reality and inviting a woman to enter into that reality for a little while. How is this done?

Something that men also need to learn is to make the women talk without any inhibitions. Interestingly, being scarce can immediately make men more attractive and appealing to women. Training yourself for a seductive gaze and a seductive voice is also of immense advantage at an advanced stage. The absolutely killing body language and the art of praising women are sure of making you the most romantic person on the earth.

Well, for one thing, a man needs to be assertive during an interaction where he is trying to attract a woman. Now, assertive is not the same as aggressive, and this should be remembered. By assertive, I mean that a man should take the time to say what he would like to do on a date, where he would like to take a woman, and he should be comfortable expressing what he likes or does not like.

When you are assertive, a woman knows that you are completely confident about who you are and where you are going in your life. Confidence is an incredible asset when you are attempting to attract women! Finally, because physical attributes are important to attract women, it may help to hit the gym regularly. Exercise will make you energetic and active. It will also make your body lean and muscled, which some women die for. Being sociable, good-looking and exciting will definitely attract women.

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