Wednesday, 19 January 2011

Most Common SEO Mistake Explained

The world of seo or Search Engine Optimization is so very in depth and huge it would literally take a life time to read all of the information out there. By the time that you read everything it would be completely different. The world of seo changes daily and one of the most common mistakes that new comers make is that they dont think about keyword research before they start their projects. 
Keyword research is the most important part of seo and it is the most neglected aspect of this art form. You have to try to find a good balance between the level of competition of your keyphrases and the about of traffic you expect to receive from that particular phrase.  Most new webmasters believe that if they throw up a website on any topic people will flock to their websites. This is simply not true. How can you get visitors of no one knows you exists?
The first thing you need to do is site down a figure out what people are typing in the major search engines to find your product or service. Then you have to look at all of the variations of that particular phrase to determine what phrases people use to buy your product. There are many tools for this some include – Google Keyword tool, Market Samauri and many others out there.
After you get a good list of keywords you have to determine levels of competition and you also need to understand your limitations and what phrases you can target realistically. Once this is done you are ready to build your website around these golden keywords that you are more likely to be able to rank for and have a higher probability of people finding and buying your products with.
If this step is skipped or overlooked all of your hard work and effort will likely go down the drain. So take the time to do it right and get started on a good note with proper keyword research and that will lead to great SEO.
The Source

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