Friday, 8 January 2010

Wedding Tips For Saving On The Photography Bill

By James Wong

Unfortunately the cost of wedding photography is usually very costly, sometimes thousands of dollars. Not everyone can afford extremely high priced photos of their perfect day. By following these few simple budgeting ideas you can save money on wedding photography.

Advertising for a photographer

Advertising and posting ads at a local college or university is a great place to find a photographer. New photographers will cost a lot less and they will have new ideas and skills that they can use.

Go digital

Instead of getting prints done, go digital. This keeps your hard earned money in your pocket. You can now choose this as an option because most photographers will offer you the idea. Get a CD rather then prints and proofs of all your pictures. Online photo developers can be a lot cheaper so it is a good idea to look into them.

Put your own album together

A great way to personalize all your pages in your album is to try scrap booking. No one will know your wedding and guests like you do. Scrap booking your wedding photography is a great way to go through your pictures and reflect on the moments. You will enjoy creating your album and not only that but you will also save hundreds of dollars opposed to having your photographer design an album, and they may not include pictures that your friends sent you as well.

You can choose how long you need the photographer for

How long do you really need your photographer around you? Instead of having them come with you when you re getting your hair done, make up done, and dress sized just get them to come for the ceremony and a bit of the celebration afterwards. A great way to get pictures of the bride preparing for the wedding is to have the bridesmaids take the photos.

21st Century - use disposables!

Having disposable cameras at the reception is also an excellent idea. After everything is said and done all you have to do is drop them off at a photo development outlet, then go through the ones you really like and make larger prints for frames around your house. You will probably end up getting a few funny photos but a lot of wonderful ones as well. This will also give you a wide variety of pictures because your guests will be taking pictures of each other and not just at the bride and groom. Get each table of guest to write on the camera who was taking the photos so you can add the detail into your album.

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