Tuesday, 8 December 2009

Mind Over Matter - A Strange Myth?

By Jackie Traveller

A lot of people have a hard time believing that they can change their circumstances. If you are like most people, you believe that what you have is what you are stuck with. Understanding the concept of mind over matter will change all that.

The truth is, everything can be put down to mind over matter. We all have the capacity to master our own mind power. You just need to know how to do it.

Think about your current circumstances. You might be in a job you hate or struggling financially or worried about your relationship, or lack of it. Each of these aspects of your life are there as a result of your own choices. This means your mind created those circumstances for you. It's hard to think about some of the negative things around you right now as being a result of 'mind over matter', but it's true.

Another very simple way to begin using mind over matter is to start using affirmations. When you go to work and think silently to yourself, "I hate my job, my co-workers, and my boss", all you are doing is setting yourself up for disappointment.

If you say 'I have my job and I never have enough money', your sub-conscious mind will begin to make sure these things come true for you. Your actions are dictated by your thoughts and your choices are influenced by your beliefs. So if you believe these negative thoughts, they will very quickly become your reality.

Now imagine what power you could have by changing your own thought processes and beliefs. Imagine saying to yourself regularly 'I deserve a better job with much more money'. Say this to yourself firmly every time you catch yourself thinking negative thoughts. Your sub-conscious is listening and you will begin to reprogram it to accept these positive thoughts.

This is because your subconscious mind has already been programmed to make sure you hate your job and that you won't be able to afford nice things or to make sure you continue to struggle to lose weight. These negative beliefs can highly impact all areas of your life.

Affirmations are an excellent way to begin the re-programming process. Take a moment to think about your current situation. What thought processes led you to make the choices you did? Did you accidentally sign the papers for so much debt? Did you get into your relationship by accident? Did you accept your current job by accident? Each of these choices was a result of your mind being programmed to believe that was what you needed at that time in your life.

The reason why is because although they may not realize it, they have come to believe those terrible things about themselves, not consciously, but subconsciously. All of these negative beliefs eventually lead to a life full of pain, sorrow, and disbelief.

If you want a more successful job then spend time to repeat affirmations to yourself daily. Tell yourself you deserve a higher paying, happier job. If you want a happier relationship, tell yourself often that you deserve a happier relationship. No matter what you want your life to look like, you can change the outcomes by programming your sub-conscious mind to look for the results you want.

The mind can do amazing things. You have most likely heard in various places that humans only use ten percent of their brain power - and guess what? That is a documented fact! Here we are with the remaining 90%, just allowing it to go to waste as time passes us by, when we could all be using it to empower our lives and ourselves!

You'll be living a life full of abundance and joy once you've learned to master mind over matter techniques.

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