Tuesday, 11 August 2009

Identifying Counterfeit Ladies Handbags

By Ashlynn Mario

Designer handbags are extremely popular, but you should be careful buying them. That's because you could be getting a knockoff, instead. Some handbags that look like designer bags are really just imitations, made in huge quantities using low grade materials and construction. There are some that are higher in quality, and might be called "designer inspired" handbags. These look a lot like authentic Dior, Prada, Kate Spade and similar bags, but unlike the cheap knockoffs, they don't claim to be the real thing. These bags have the look, but don't fake logos or tags. That makes them inexpensive alternatives for people who like designer bags but can't pay the high price for the designer name.

You'll find these handbags in traditional stores, and low quality counterfeit handbags in other venues, such as online auction sites, flea markets and road side markets. People selling these low quality fakes are hoping that the low price will convince you not to be too suspicious of their products.

Purchasing online is very difficult unless you are dealing with a renowned store or boutique that you already know and trust. This is why, for instance, famed online auction houses use their feedback factors as some protection.

One way you can tell the difference between an authentic bag from a designer label and one that's a fake is that the real bags will be carefully photographed so you can see the whole bag, inside and out. Counterfeit bags are often poorly photographed, and shown in a group. You're also unlikely to find authenticity tags on a fake designer bag, unless the seller is trying to hoodwink you into believing it's the real thing.

Materials are important, too. If the bag is made of cheap vinyl and has low quality stitching, it's not the real deal, since manufacturers of designer bags are very careful about their materials and construction. The picture you see should show a bag that you'd like to own.

Use a credit card to pay for any designer handbag you want to buy, so that you have some kind of recourse if the bag that arrives isn't what was promised. Just be careful if you're buying from sellers in another country. It can be harder to contest a sale with a foreign seller, and shipping times are often so long that you'll be outside your window to complain or get a refund by the time the bag actually arrives.

Designer-inspired bags, not counterfeit bags, are sometimes also referred to as designer replica handbags. These will let you own the latest hot design for a much less expenditure. These bags will be available in online stores, as well as many discount retailers. However, at least you then know what you are buying and you know what you are going to receive, as opposed to counterfeit bags.

Many women however, frugally save their spare change for months on end, assuming that they are "worth it" and deserve the quality of authentic designer bags, which will serve them for a long time, and be carried with pride.

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